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Happy New Year from CCMOW!

Happy new year, everyone!

As 2022 has officially wrapped up, I am please to share that we exceeded our year end fundraising goal! Our goal was to raise $50,000 in November and December, and we were able to raise over $64,000! These donations will go a long way to support our clients amidst unprecedented need and skyrocketing costs. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made a donation in 2022.

2022 started out a little slow in terms of meals, but our numbers began to increase significantly during the last

few months of the year - higher than even what we saw during the height of the pandemic. We are continuing to enroll new clients into our meal program each week as local residents struggle with the costs of inflation and economic uncertainties. Keep an eye out for our 2022 Impact Report, which will be mailed to all of our supporters and also be shared on our website and social media pages. Thank you again for allowing us to provide nutritious meals, well checks, and socialization to our neighbors in need in Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, and Superior - we couldn't do it without you. Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year! Lark

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