Whether you're interested in home-delivered meals or joining us at our onsite café - we have a meal service to fit your needs!
Interested in donating your time and talents to support the mission of CCMOW? Learn about our many volunteer opportunities!
Make a difference in the lives of our neighbors in need with a gift to support CCMOW's mission and services!

Weather Closures
CCMOW may be unable to deliver meals or serve at the Coal Creek Cafe due to inclement
weather. We follow the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) and will close if BVSD announces
a delayed start or closure.
If BVSD does not call a snow day by 8 PM the day prior to a storm, and the Executive Director
feels the upcoming weather poses an imminent risk to our staff, volunteers, and clients, the
Executive Director reserves the right to declare a snow day independently.
We also reserve the right to close on other occasions to protect the safety of our clients,
volunteers, and staff. CCMOW will plan to close if the forecasted temperature during peak
delivery and cafe hours (10:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) is below 10 degrees with wind chill. All
closures will be communicated via our website, social media pages, and signage at our office.