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Rooted in Service: Volunteers as the Flowers of Coal Creek Meals on Wheels

At Coal Creek Meals on Wheels, volunteers make it possible for our organization to fulfill its purpose, much like flowers, herbs, and vegetables transform a patch of soil into a garden. 

Fueled by their motivation to feed our community, volunteers show up and find their niche in the organization, finding the role that fits them best. The diverse backgrounds, skills, and interests that our volunteers bring enrich the ecosystem of our organization, bringing new perspectives to our programs and processes. Rooted deeply in our mission, our volunteers provide stability to CCMOW, and provide us with vitality.


It is because of our kitchen volunteers that we have nutritious food to serve to our clients.

It is because of our baggers that meals are organized and ready to be delivered in the community.

It is because of our meal delivery volunteers that our homebound clients can receive a nutritious meal and see a smiling, friendly face each weekday.

It is because of our café volunteers that our community members have a safe, welcoming place to eat a delicious meal and socialize with their friends.

It is because of our administrative volunteers that our staff can increase their capacity, helping us to grow and expand our services.

Our volunteers are essential contributors to the sustainability and the beauty of Coal Creek Meals on Wheels and our communities.

Whether you are a perennial, life-long volunteer, or a seasonal sprout, YOU make it possible for CCCMOW to work toward a future in which every individual can enjoy access to nutritious meals and meaningful connections.

Thank you for all you do to support CCMOW and our neighbors!

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